Combatting Thermal Bridging with Insulated Metal Panels

When using compressible insulation, say for instance fiberglass batt, consideration must be given to how that insulation is going to be deployed in the actual wall or roof. For instance, installers might place the insulation across the framing members and then smash it down with the cladding and run a screw through to the underlying structure. The problem here is that the insulation is rated with some R-value—and that R-value is determined by an ASTM procedure that also determines what its tested density is. So in essence, it’s ‘fluffy’ insulation.

One manufacturer’s insulation, however, might be thicker than another’s. The contractor is buying an R-value, not a density or a thickness. The insulation is tested to that R-value at whatever thickness and density¹ is needed to achieve it. Let’s say R-19 fiberglass batt is specified, but then it is put in an assembly and smashed down flat… now it’s not R-19 anymore; it’s now R-something else. That’s a thermal bridge—when the insulation’s R-value has been compromised.

Manufacturers have the ability to run long length panels that minimize the number of end joints. This continuity provides significant advantages over traditional insulated materials when designing for energy efficiency. This image illustrates the difference between fiberglass batting made discontinuous by compression between panel and framing members and the continuous insulation provided by insulated metal panels.

Unfortunately, thermal bridging is almost impossible to eliminate. In the example above, another choice might be to put it between studs. Except in this situation, the studs break the insulation. While it’s not pinched, the studs are separating it. Whether the studs are metal or wood, in either case it’s still a significant thermal short circuit or a thermal bridge.

Even with the highest quality insulation systems—insulated metal panels, for example—a joint is required. Building is not possible without putting neighboring panels together. Therefore, insulation is discontinuous. While it’s impossible to avoid thermal bridging, there are two requirements to ensure the building performs the way it needs to perform.

  1. Thermal bridging must be mitigated. In other words, the designer or installer has to try to eliminate as much of it as possible.
  2. If thermal bridging is unavoidable, it must be accounted for in some fashion, which usually means putting more insulation somewhere to make up the difference. This is called a “trade-off” and is allowed by most building energy efficiency codes.²

Why Insulated Metal Panels?

Insulated metal panels then are the best bet, because although the joint is a thermal bridge, in effect, it is not nearly as impactful as breaking a line of fiberglass with a stud or smashing the fiberglass between the panel and a framing member. In the illustration below, R-value doesn’t just vary at that point where the panel and the stud meet. The entire insulation line gets smashed and one would have to go some distance from the stud before the insulation returns to its normal, fluffy thickness. These issues need to be mitigated and accounted for.

assembled side joint
Continuous insulation is critically important to an efficient envelope design. Insulated metal panels, with their side laps designed for concealed fasteners, eliminate the possibility of gaps in the insulation and thermal bridges. Continuous insulation is important because thermal bridges and discontinuities introduced by compressing non-rigid insulations cause the in-place R-Value of the assembly to be less than the tested R-Value of the insulation used. This effect has become a focus in newer energy efficiency codes such as ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC.

Manufacturers such as MBCI and Metl-Span publish insulated metal panels as U-factors because the joint is tested as part of the assembly (both mitigating and accounting for the aforementioned issues). These values can be found on product data sheets and technical bulletins, such as Metl-Span’s Insulation Values technical bulletin, published January 2017.


  1. ASTM C 665 – 12, Standard Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing, Table 1, Footnote c.
  2. ASHRAE 90.1 – 13, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Ride Residential Buildings, Section 5.6
  3. High Performance Green Building Products – INSMP2A (CEU)

Myths About Metal Roofing: Heat, Wind and Lightning

Properly detailed and installed metal roofing is one of the most resilient, lasting, efficient and attractive kinds of roofing systems for commercial and institutional buildings. Yet there are plenty of questions about metal roofing, and building teams often find time in project meetings to address the most common, recurring topics and myths.

Facts vs Myths About Metal Roofing

I call these “mythbuster meetings,” because many of the questions are fabrications – concerns arising from less savvy professionals or from competitive “selling points.” Among the most prevalent untruths:

Myth about Wind Uplift

Myth: Wind uplift affects metal roofing more than other roofing types.

Reality: While the noncontinuous nature of metal roof attachments makes them susceptible to wind uplift concerns, most roofing types are prone to similar effects. ASCE/SEI calculations for wind loading and FEMA studies of storm areas have shown that properly applied metal roofing outlasts other roof assemblies during hurricanes and tornados.

Building geometry affects how well the roof survives, regardless of roof type. Engineering determines how many insulation board fasteners are needed, and the optimal and safest distances between clips for standing seam systems at corners and perimeters, where the forces are greatest. The interlocking or “active fastening” helps metal roofing pass severe wind and uplift tests including ASTM E1592, UL 580 and UL 1897, and the Miami/Dade County codes, according to a report from Stanford University.

Myth about Heat

Myth: Metal panels get hotter and have more thermal bridging because metal conducts heat so well.

Reality: Depending upon the surface finish, metal roofing can “provide enhanced energy efficiency with its solar reflectance and infrared emittance properties […] to meet the climate requirements of the building,” according to the Stanford University paper and research highlighted by the Cool Metal Roofing Coalition.

As compared to other roofing types, metal roofing tends to be highly reflective and is available with high emissivity. Insulated metal roofing panels have foam insulation that delivers R-values up to R-8.515 per inch thickness and total roof U-factors that exceed those of many other roofing types, helping projects meet strict energy code rules.

Myth about Lightning

Myth: Metal roofs are more likely to get hit by lighting than any other roof types.

Reality: That is bunk; simply untrue. You can read my detailed blog on the subject, or for serious mythbusters refer to the Metal Construction Association’s Technical Bulletin MCA13a, which gives a full and authoritative overview.

As the MCA summarizes, “Because metal roofing is an electrical conductor and a noncombustible material, the risks associated with its use and behavior during a lightning event make it the most desirable construction available.” That’s right: The best option for lightning risks.

I hope some of the above information provided insight and assurance about building with metal roofs. If you have any additional questions or concerns, submit them here to our technical experts.

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